The Silence Stages

Since 2005 I have been visiting more than 430 ancient greek and roman theatres around 18 countries, taking photographs and information. These blog is dedicated to all that experience.

Desde 2005 he visitado más de 430 teatros y odeones, griegos y romanos en 18 países, tomando fotografías y recopilando información. Este blog está dedicado a toda esta experiencia.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Teate Marrucinorum (Chieti)

TEATE MARRUCINORUM (Chieti), ancient Regio IV, modern Italy.

COORDENATES: 42º20’49.18’’N // 14º09’48.21’’E
TIPOLOGY: Roman theatre. Urban.
DATE: Second half of I A.D. or first II A.D.
TRANSFORMATIONS: Orchestra was transformed in colimbetra for water games.
CAVEA: Facing north-north-west. 84 m. diameter. Built against slope the centre of cavea.
STAGE BUILDING: Under modern buildings.
LOCATION: In south-west part of town.
MY BEDSIDE TABLE: Tosi, Giovana; “Gli edificio per spettacoli nell’Italia romana”. Roma, Quasar, 2003.// Sear, Frank; “Roman theatres: an architectural study”. Oxford University Press, 2006.// Ciancio Rossetto, Paola; Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio (eds); “Teatri Greci e Romani: alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato”. Rome: SEAT, 1995.

OUT OF PRINT: If you pretend to find some columnatio in the  scaenae frons you will find clothes drying in the sun, anyway I have always thought both are pretty.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Side (Side)

SIDE (Side), ancient Pamphylia / Asia Minor, modern Turkey.

COORDENATES: 36º46’04.92’’N // 31º23’26.32E
TIPOLOGY: Roman theatre. Urban.
DATE: Last II A.D.
TRANSFORMATIONS: It may probably have been an earlier Greek theatre. In III A.D. it was transformed in amphitheatre.
CAPACITY: 10.000spectators.
CAVEA: Facing north-east. 120 m. diameter. Bilt against slope, although summa cavea have 2 levels of substructures. 23 radial barrel-vaults appear on façade. Maenianum: Ima cavea with 30 rows of seats in 11 cunei. Summa cavea with 25 rows in 24 cunei.
ORCHESTRA: 29 m. diameter, surrounded by podium.
STAGE BUILDING: Pulpitum have trapezoidal shape. Scaenae frons was rectilinear, with 5 doors; 2 storey for columnatio. Postscaenium with 9 rooms. Podium of scaenae frons with relief sculptures.
LOCATION: Side is 65 klm. east from Antalya.
MY BEDSIDE TABLE: Yilmaz, Yasar; “Anadolu Antik Tiyatrolari”. Istanbul, Yem Yanin, 2010 // Sear, Frank; “Roman theatres: an architectural study”. Oxford University Press, 2006.// Ciancio Rossetto, Paola; Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio (eds); “Teatri Greci e Romani: alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato”. Rome: SEAT, 1995. // Bean, George; “Turkey´s southern shore”. London, Ernest Benn Limited, 1968.
OUT OF PRINT: In Side ancient theatre I played jigsaw... you only have to look at the scattered relief sculpture remains of the podium and let the mind to fly.