The Silence Stages

Since 2005 I have been visiting more than 430 ancient greek and roman theatres around 18 countries, taking photographs and information. These blog is dedicated to all that experience.

Desde 2005 he visitado más de 430 teatros y odeones, griegos y romanos en 18 países, tomando fotografías y recopilando información. Este blog está dedicado a toda esta experiencia.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Dora (Dor)

DORA (Dor), ancient Palestina, modern Israel.
COORDENATES: 32º37’12.06’’N // 34º55’07.48’’E
TIPOLOGY: Roman theatre. Urban.
CAVEA: Facing north-north-west. 60 m. diameter. Aditus maximi visible remains.
ORCHESTRA: Paved in stone.
STAGE BUILDING: Columns remains of grey and coloured marble. Corinthian capitals found.
LOCATION: 200 m. north of northern edge of town. Dor is 60 klm. north from Tel Aviv.
MY BEDSIDE TABLE: Segal, Arthur; “Theatres in Roman Palestine & provincia Arabia”. New York, E.J. Brill., 1995. // Sear, Frank; “Roman theatres: an architectural study”. Oxford University Press, 2006.// Ciancio Rossetto, Paola; Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio (eds); “Teatri Greci e Romani: alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato”. Rome: SEAT, 1995.


OUT OF PRINT: Somebody that I found in my visit to ancient Dora told me that the ancient theatre remains are actually the private WC of the bathers... well some latin comedy was always full of eschatology.