The Silence Stages

Since 2005 I have been visiting more than 430 ancient greek and roman theatres around 18 countries, taking photographs and information. These blog is dedicated to all that experience.

Desde 2005 he visitado más de 430 teatros y odeones, griegos y romanos en 18 países, tomando fotografías y recopilando información. Este blog está dedicado a toda esta experiencia.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Germanicomagus (Saint Cybardeaux)

GERMANICOMAGUS (Saint Cybardeaux), ancient Gallia Aquitania, modern France.

COORDINATES: 45º46'53.56" N // 0º00'22.67" O
TIPOLOGY : Gallo-Roman cult theatre.
CAPACITY: 6.000 spectators.
CAVEA: Facing north-east. 105,6 m. diameter. Built against hillside. Two maenianaIma cavea with 7 cunei ; summa cavea with 13 cunei. In I A.D., in his first phase it was considerably smaller, with capacity for only 1.000 spectators. Seats were made of wood, in lower part some stone tired seats were added for persons of note.
ORCHESTRA: 47,6 m. diameter.
STAGE BUILDING: Scaena 10 x 8,8 m. in the first phase, but later enlarged 35,5 x 7,1 m.
LOCATION: Ancient Germanicomagus is in the Bois des Bouchauds, 40 klm. north of Angoulême Theatre used in ancient times for religious purposes.
MY BEDSIDE TABLE: Sear, Frank; “Roman theatres: an architectural study”. Oxford University Press, 2006. // Ciancio Rossetto, Paola; Giuseppina Pisani Sartorio (eds); Teatri Greci e Romani: alle origini del linguaggio rappresentato. Rome: SEAT, 1995. // Grenier, Albert; “Manuel d’archeologie Gallo-Romain”. Paris, Éditions A. Et J. Picard, 1958. // Landes, Christian (Ed.); “Le gout du theatre a Rome et en Gaule romaine”. Musée de Lattes, 1989.

OUT OF PRINT: I arrived Germanicomagus one cloudy morning, cold but sweet time. I found of the deepest silences I have ever felt in my life. The theatre is in a forest called Bois de Bouchauds, a place drown of a story where, after the fog, it would be easy to see a druid.

1 comment:

  1. Por el momento uno de mis favoritos. Gracias porque puedo ver a travez de estas imagenes lo que por le momento no he podido ver.
